В статье рассматривается вопрос возможности интеграции почвенных
исследований Азербайджана в почвенно-географическое пространство Европейского
Союза. Анализ существующих почвенных данных показал, что имеющиеся трудности,
связанные с различиями в научных подходах и методах можно преодолеть и
обеспечить процесс Евроинтеграции. Как результат исследований, в рамках проекта
расширения базы почвенных данных ЕС (ESDB), в соответствии с
требованиями стандартов ЕС была составлена цифровая почвенная карта Азербайджана
в масштабе 1 : 1000 000 на ГИС основе.
Application of the European soil standards in the territory of Azerbaijan
At present the integration to
the European and international structures goes on in many directions, including
scientific. Against a background of globalization it is fundamentally important
to form an adequate soil-information space which would ensure progressive
international cooperation in the field of soil science. As is known, the new
digital soil database of Mediterranean and Caucasus Countries’ territory in the format of
the soil geographical information system of the European Union (EU) is being prepared within the program for the Extension of the European Soil Database (ESDB). These
researches intend to create the Soil Geographical Database of Eurasia at scale
1 : 1, 000, 000 as a part of the European Soil Information System (EUSIS). The
current stage of the Azerbaijan soil resources inventory on supranational level
is closely linked with the processes of adaptation of the country to the
conditions of new geopolitical realities. It is of fundamental importance to
preserve and develop the national scientific and practical traditions and their
harmonious integration with the EU soil inventory. Taking into consideration
the urgency of the problem, we have made researches in order to create the
digital data base of the soils of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The digital soil
map of Azerbaijan has been prepared in a scale of 1:1000000 using modern
geoinformation technologies and taking into account the ESDB requirements.
During the analysis of soil database of Azerbaijan, some difficulties that
impede the integration process to the ESDB were revealed. Generally, the work
that has been done brought to a conclusion that the knowledge available on
soils of Azerbaijan makes the integration to the EU soil-geographic data base